Friday, January 1, 2010

Haven't seen Avatar and want to know if its worth it?

"HAPPY NEW YEAR! The last thing i did in 2009 was go and see Avatar and have to say thee best film i have seen..."

I know I'm one weekend late, but I too, saw Avatar on the last night of 2009. I thought I would hate it. In fact, I wanted to hate it. I just didn't understand how everyone could enjoy the same movie to the same extent, especially a movie with a thought-provoking and somewhat controversial plot line. Even when I went on the Internet Movie Database, I noticed that Avatar had already been voted as the #25 best movie of ALL TIME. What?? So, I went to the movies last night, ready to spot out faults of this film phenomenon. But I was amazed at how emotive I became. I couldn't stop thinking about Avatar as i left the theater. It was just unbelievable to see how James Cameron could make a movie better than his last blockbuster hit (Titanic). It was indeed, the best movie I have seen all year, and one of the greatest films of the decade.

One thing I did notice, howvever, was the striking similarities between the plotline of Avatar and the plot of DISNEY'S Pocahontas.

1. Both movies show 'pale faces' or 'sky walkers' as money hungry mongrels, who think of the native race as inferior beyond repair.
2. Both the tribe in Pocahontas and the tribes in Avatar express a deep connection and respect for nature. (Remember Colors of the Wind?)
3. In the film, Neytiri is arranged to mate with Tsu'Tse, the future tribe leader. Hoever, she quickly falls in love with Jake, the 'outsider'. Pocahontas was also set up for an arranged marriage, then John Smith came along:)

Overall, this movie is a MUST SEE. DO NOT bootleg this movie, James Cameron and everyone who made this movie possible deserve legitimate credit. besides, you'll get cheated out of the experience if you don't see it in IMAX or 3-D.
Two-Thumbs Up for Avatar. Well, done Cameron.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31st

"....everybody is looking for dat thing dat makes it all complete, some find it in de strangest places, some find it in face of their children.....some even find it in their lover's may even b a simple line dat can make u laugh......;-)"


I've been soul searching for a while now, and though answers fly at me left and right, i'm too dizzy from the constant bustle around me to breathe. So how am I to achieve my ultimate goal, happiness, while simultaneously tolerating the world's BS? I am a follower of Christ, and many would say that is enough to accomplish everything I'd ever want. But I don't see Creflo Dollar abandoning all of his worldly possessions. No, I'm a realist, not a hypocrite.

What's crazy is that regardless of how hard we as human beings try to deny it, it is our nature to seek a state of comfort. It's called homeostasis, and it reigns over our minds..our bodies...our entire state of being. Even a 'Downer Dan' recieves some kind of personal relief for being grumpy, because his objective is to be grumpy, and achieving that goal=self gratification. Sounds funny, huh? I hope you're following me here. If you're not, I apologize, but this = my blog. ANYWAYS, this 'something' that we are looking for will help us retrieve temporary homeostasis. Notice how I said 'temporary'...

People, believe it or not, are scared as s*** of investment. Investing time, money, or emotions into something that isn't tangible is even harder. Maybe that's one of the main reasons for the ever-growing Atheist trend in America. I know that I have a serious issue with investing into immediate emotional substitutes, like mediocre/skin deep relationships. I used to pride myself on being a good Christian. It was something that made me stand out, and I loved God's word. But it seems like ever since I got to college, I haven't had time for the one thing that made me truly happy.

Homeostasis = survival. And my survival methods are warped

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

december 29th

#iloveitwhen the year is getting oveeeer! 2010 is comming, time for love, peace and unity!


This status really has no analytic meaning to me. I just thought it made no sense. I love sharing people's grammatical mistakes with you guys:)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 17th

"Have a baby by me baby, be on WELFARE"

"Have a baby by my baby, be a broke chick!"
"Have a baby by me baby, watch me disappear"
-all from Facebook

9th grade was definitely a hip-hop culture shock for me. I don't remember much of that year in terms of music...except for the one song that seemed to shape the Black population at Roswell High School.... Candy Shop by 50 Cent. Homecoming was like the initiation of freak-a-leeks. I mean, as soon as the DJ started the song, seemingly naive little girls made their way to pubescent little boys, who in turn welcomed their advances. That's one big orgy of SMH's.

With that in mind, I headed to Facebook, just because. In less than 3 minutes, I saw all three of these statuses. Great. What's funny is, these are harsh realities for some women. And they've been dehumanized by Facebook users. I know I know, I probably shouldn't be so analytical. And for once, I'm going to take a bit of that advice, because honestly, this s*** was HILARIOUS.

my all-time favorite was : "Have a baby by me baby, call 1866-45-MAURY"

LOL Have a good weekend yall.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Don't read it if you haven't seen it, and want to. thanks, management

"so I'm tryin to take off these "Spelman lenses" to enjoy the princess and the frog.. smh"


This weekend, I was fortunate to see Disney's "The Princess and the Frog." There was so much hype at Spelman because Princess Tiana was Disney's first BLACK princess (if you don't count Nala from Lion King). I, myself was appalled and a little embarassed when my friend Whitney announced that she would not support the movie in any way, shape or form. I didn't understand at first, but now I have no doubts at all that she was right in her decision.

I'll begin with the concept of black and white, and brown for Prince Naveen's sake. In the film, blond-haired, blue-eyed, and wealthy Charlotte is in love with the Maldonian Prince Naveen. But Prince Naveen is turned into a frog, and must kiss a princess to return back to his normal state. When Charlotte becomes 'princess' of the Mardi Gras parade, she becomes Tiana and Naveen's one and only opportunity. REALLY Disney? Even though the main character, Tiana, is Black, she must STILL rely on a WHITE woman to fulfill her destiny? Subtle rasicm=not subtle enough. And what about Prince Naveen? We're ready for a Black princess, as long as she doesn't marry a Black prince. In fact, there were only 2 black men represented in the movie. One was a struggling coal miner, and the other was practically a devil worshipper. America isn't ready for an all Black cast, people. And they are especially not ready for the lead to be a successful Black man. The only Black men ever featured in Disney movies are men like Eddie Murphy, Cedric the Entertainer, and Martin Lawrence. "Look at the funny little Negroes, mommy."

The movie also centers around the concept of voodoo, a concept in which Disney Studios has YET to grasp. Louisiana voodoo evolved from the African Diasporic group who worked as slaves in the Southern French Quarter. They combined African religion with Catholic practices, such as worshiping God and Jesus Christ. They even incorporated the Lord's Prayer into their daily practices. They wore amulets to ward off harmful situations (good luck charms). And voodoo dolls? Yeah, they were traditionally used for good luck. Pins were stuck into the doll with pictures attached, so that the person could be reconnected with an ancestor, or someone still living. Disney uses voodoo dolls to represent the potential KILLING of another human being. And owing eternal debts to voodoo spirits? Way to symbolize the devil, Disney.

The movie's great, don't get me wrong, but i don't think Disney should be raised to such a high standard just yet. Before this, we only had The Lion King. Now we have a Black Princess, and her not-Black husband. Black men in the eyes of children are inferior, and voodoo is the 'Black' people religion, and therefore, we are more evil. mwahahahahaha. sigh.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Reader discretion: Do Not Read If Easily Offended. -thanks, management.

"tacky chrismas sweaters party.... hell ya!"


I have a confession to make. I actually know what a Tacky Christmas Sweater party is. Basically, guests wear an extremely tacky and hideous green, red, or white Christmas Sweater, and enjoy laughing at each other. As I was pondering this question, I thought to myself, 'why doesn't the AUC host events like this?' And then I had to remind myself that I no longer reside in a predominantly White area. Before coming to Spelman, I'd never had the opportunity to spend every day with over 3000 educated BLACK men and women. So I got to thinking...what would it be like if I were...not black.

Here it goes, (...)= a thought

It's 8 am, and my Kelly Pickler ringtone just went off. (Who is texting me this early, omg.) The text reads "omg, i effing love you, bitch. tomorrow we're hanging out or else, slut. loveyaaa, katie." (Awww, shes so sweet. I love herrrrrr!) I turn on Racheal Ray and straighten my hair for 45 minutes. Then, I go to the mirror and apply as much eyeliner as possible in 30 seconds. (I look ahh-dorable.)

I meet my boyfriend Kyle in the lobby (we're going to a Bama game with his parents, Sue and Larry. They're so presh!) Picture time! We take about 80 pictures of my forehead on his chest with his arms wrapped awkwardly around my back. We go out to eat at Outback, and Kyle starts talking about his black friend, Devon or Demitrious or something like that. Anyways, Demitrious is soooo cute and sooooo funny, he's the coolest guy ever. Even though we've only met once, he's like a brother for me, and if Kyle werent so amazing, I'd definitely go out with him. Especially since my parents said last week that diversity is a good thing, which is pretty much the 'OK' for me to date blacks. :)

..sigh, you get my point. gotta love melanin.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

december 9th

"its about that time of the year:......where girls start to say "new year is gonna be a new and improved me"..."2010 im changing"...."its gonna be less drama in my life"......and i just wanna say bitch stop lying cuz u kno aint nothin gone change no matter how much u want it too lmao"
