Friday, December 11, 2009

Reader discretion: Do Not Read If Easily Offended. -thanks, management.

"tacky chrismas sweaters party.... hell ya!"


I have a confession to make. I actually know what a Tacky Christmas Sweater party is. Basically, guests wear an extremely tacky and hideous green, red, or white Christmas Sweater, and enjoy laughing at each other. As I was pondering this question, I thought to myself, 'why doesn't the AUC host events like this?' And then I had to remind myself that I no longer reside in a predominantly White area. Before coming to Spelman, I'd never had the opportunity to spend every day with over 3000 educated BLACK men and women. So I got to thinking...what would it be like if I were...not black.

Here it goes, (...)= a thought

It's 8 am, and my Kelly Pickler ringtone just went off. (Who is texting me this early, omg.) The text reads "omg, i effing love you, bitch. tomorrow we're hanging out or else, slut. loveyaaa, katie." (Awww, shes so sweet. I love herrrrrr!) I turn on Racheal Ray and straighten my hair for 45 minutes. Then, I go to the mirror and apply as much eyeliner as possible in 30 seconds. (I look ahh-dorable.)

I meet my boyfriend Kyle in the lobby (we're going to a Bama game with his parents, Sue and Larry. They're so presh!) Picture time! We take about 80 pictures of my forehead on his chest with his arms wrapped awkwardly around my back. We go out to eat at Outback, and Kyle starts talking about his black friend, Devon or Demitrious or something like that. Anyways, Demitrious is soooo cute and sooooo funny, he's the coolest guy ever. Even though we've only met once, he's like a brother for me, and if Kyle werent so amazing, I'd definitely go out with him. Especially since my parents said last week that diversity is a good thing, which is pretty much the 'OK' for me to date blacks. :)

..sigh, you get my point. gotta love melanin.