Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 17th

"Have a baby by me baby, be on WELFARE"

"Have a baby by my baby, be a broke chick!"
"Have a baby by me baby, watch me disappear"
-all from Facebook

9th grade was definitely a hip-hop culture shock for me. I don't remember much of that year in terms of music...except for the one song that seemed to shape the Black population at Roswell High School.... Candy Shop by 50 Cent. Homecoming was like the initiation of freak-a-leeks. I mean, as soon as the DJ started the song, seemingly naive little girls made their way to pubescent little boys, who in turn welcomed their advances. That's one big orgy of SMH's.

With that in mind, I headed to Facebook, just because. In less than 3 minutes, I saw all three of these statuses. Great. What's funny is, these are harsh realities for some women. And they've been dehumanized by Facebook users. I know I know, I probably shouldn't be so analytical. And for once, I'm going to take a bit of that advice, because honestly, this s*** was HILARIOUS.

my all-time favorite was : "Have a baby by me baby, call 1866-45-MAURY"

LOL Have a good weekend yall.