Friday, January 1, 2010

Haven't seen Avatar and want to know if its worth it?

"HAPPY NEW YEAR! The last thing i did in 2009 was go and see Avatar and have to say thee best film i have seen..."

I know I'm one weekend late, but I too, saw Avatar on the last night of 2009. I thought I would hate it. In fact, I wanted to hate it. I just didn't understand how everyone could enjoy the same movie to the same extent, especially a movie with a thought-provoking and somewhat controversial plot line. Even when I went on the Internet Movie Database, I noticed that Avatar had already been voted as the #25 best movie of ALL TIME. What?? So, I went to the movies last night, ready to spot out faults of this film phenomenon. But I was amazed at how emotive I became. I couldn't stop thinking about Avatar as i left the theater. It was just unbelievable to see how James Cameron could make a movie better than his last blockbuster hit (Titanic). It was indeed, the best movie I have seen all year, and one of the greatest films of the decade.

One thing I did notice, howvever, was the striking similarities between the plotline of Avatar and the plot of DISNEY'S Pocahontas.

1. Both movies show 'pale faces' or 'sky walkers' as money hungry mongrels, who think of the native race as inferior beyond repair.
2. Both the tribe in Pocahontas and the tribes in Avatar express a deep connection and respect for nature. (Remember Colors of the Wind?)
3. In the film, Neytiri is arranged to mate with Tsu'Tse, the future tribe leader. Hoever, she quickly falls in love with Jake, the 'outsider'. Pocahontas was also set up for an arranged marriage, then John Smith came along:)

Overall, this movie is a MUST SEE. DO NOT bootleg this movie, James Cameron and everyone who made this movie possible deserve legitimate credit. besides, you'll get cheated out of the experience if you don't see it in IMAX or 3-D.
Two-Thumbs Up for Avatar. Well, done Cameron.